Friday, July 13, 2012


Quilts for camp lunch in front of a 1710 house. What are YOU doing @ work right now?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Come Sail Away

The main sail of the gundalow Piscataqua, during our trip on the river today.  Rough life, huh?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rolling on the River

I got to spend almost two hours down on the Merrimack River today, taking my summer camp kids fishing.  I really wanted to post a photo of one of the little girls posing with her bass and a grin, but I felt creepy posting photos of other people's kids.

Instead, I Instagram'd this shot of the river, looking upstream and the following conversation ensued:roguestell

me:  Where I was around noon today (whilst at work). :)
(college friend):  You always seem to go to such nice places whilst at work!
me:  That's very true! The perks of museum and historic site work. :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fish in a Basket!

I'm getting ready for summer camp to start next week at one of my museums.  The week's theme is sailing and nautical history, so I'm starting way back, with the Native Americans who lived here first.  Hence the stuffed fish in a basket also filled with nets and plummets!