Friday, December 31, 2010

Museums in the News

I'm enjoying the motivation that the Museum Daily series provides me, but as I've been off work this week, there's not so much daily museum stuff going on!  And sometimes, I like to go back to my old standard, Museums in the News.  Besides, there have been some really interesting stories from the last few months in the NY Times.  Enjoy!
And Happy New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Modern Inspiration

So, this should have been my Museum Daily on Thursday, because that's when I actually found out about it at work. One of my museums is in a city where shoes were produced, in large quantities, in the 19th and 20th centuries. Hence, my museum has a very large & very interesting collection of locally made shoes. Over the summer, the curator had a visit from Penelope Guerrero, Women's Senior Shoe Designer at Timberland. They spent some time talking about the shoe industry and looking through our shoe collection.

I wasn't around the day she visited, but the curator received an email from Ms. Guerrero last week saying that she had designed a collection of shoes inspired by my museum's collection! Very cool. Even cooler, she attached a few photos of the shoe design she thought "most reflects the inspiration" she received at the museum. The photos are below.

Isn't the shoe gorgeous? And yes, I went straight to Timberland's website to see if they were available for purchase yet. Couldn't find them, so perhaps they're a 2011 model. Keep your eyes peeled for these shoes!

UPDATE: Just found this video on the website, featuring Ms. Guerrero talking about how she finds inspiration for her shoe designs. Very, very cool to think that our collection was part of her design process.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Spirit

Love this wreath gracing the door of one of my historic houses. The real front door, a fifteen-panel, mostly-original one from the mid-18th century, is behind the door you see here, installed for protection from the wintry elements. I really like how the wreath, put up by the caretaker, adds a little seasonal charm.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

Christmas at the Museum!

A jaunty 19th century marble bust at one of my museums.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Many Faces of Museum Work

Many days, I spend my time scheduling field trips with teachers and volunteers, researching grant possibilities, developing future programming, supervising interns, researching elements of local history, responding to phone calls & emails about two of the historic houses I manage, and teaching school age kids about their town's history.

But, the above is museum work, too. One of my museums hosted a gingerbread cookie decorating workshop as part of its holiday offerings last weekend. So, I spent a few hours last Saturday making & rolling out dough, cutting bear shapes, and baking the cookies. It's nice to have a little variety!