Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Yeah, this was the scene at my "office" this afternoon. I picked the right profession!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Par for the Course

Yeah, no big deal - just looking at the grave of an Indian princess on a Monday afternoon . . . I love my job(s).

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Some lovely little doors from two small buildings at one of my museums:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Another Selection of Images

The last few weeks at another museum:

October 17th delivery of small pumpkins for Harvest Supper and kids' Halloween Party

October 19th cleaning & prep of small cobbler's shop for upcoming 17th century programs

October 19th view of reproduction 1657 house soon to be completed/opened

October 22nd view of a sun-dappled copper beech

October 22nd view of haunted house preparations.  Love the Elvira at the end of the hall!

October 24th shot of medieval-looking hearth at 1657 house

October 24th - overly dramatic shot of marble bust at Harvest Supper.  I blame the red wine.

November 5th peek at the loft of the 1657 house.  I love that I get paid for this kind of thing!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Selection of Images

Here are a selection of images from the last couple of weeks at one museum:

October 23rd mixed media collage workshop for local seniors

October 30th hearth cooking program for intergenerational after-school program

November 1st scavenger hunt brainstorming & morning coffee

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bistro Set Carryover

Wow - has it really been three weeks since I last posted here?  That's crazy, especially since I've taken some great images of my museums lately.  I'll try to post those in the new week or two, but in the meantime, let's take a page from my personal blog.  I'm doing a silly little series over there called "Put A Bistro Set On It" or PABSOI.  It's a play on the Portlandia episode "Put A Bird On It."  I always seem to want to put bistro sets in any little outdoor nook and that impulse carries over to my museum work, as well.  So here are three of my PABSOI images from my museums:

Come on, this little brick nook by the back door of one museum's visitors center totally needs a bistro set. To the left is a view of the river and the terraced lawn. I already sit on the bricks here to eat my lunch in nice weather - why not PABSOI?

This is the back entrance of one of my museums and the attached tenant apartment. We're renovating it right now for new tenancy. You know the incoming tenants would love a bistro set on this little slate patio, right?

This PABSOI is kind of a cheat, because it usually does have a bistro set in it! This is the courtyard of one of my museums and as of last year, we've had a nice metal 4-chair & table set right by the urn. My co-workers and I don't eat outside as often as we should, but it's nice to have the option!